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. Botanical Name Common Name Family Name DBG Location
. Acer circinatum Vine Maple Sapindaceae Stage Garden
. Acer macrophyllum Bigleaf Maple Sapindaceae North Garden
. Adenophora potaninii Bush ladybells Campanulaceae Rhody
. Adiantum aleuticum Five-finger Fern Pteridaceae McHenry’s Garden
. Amelanchier alnifolia Serviceberry Rosaceae Doug Fir Garden
. Anemopsis californica Yerba Mansa Saururaceae North Garden
. Aquilegia formosa Western Columbine Ranunculaceae McHenry’s Garden
. Aristolochia californica Pipevine Aristolochiaceae Glade Garden
. Asarum hartwegii Wild Ginger Aristolochiaceae Umbrella Pine Garden and Native Areas
. Athyrium alpestre v. americanum Alpine Lady Fern Dryopteridaceae Doug Fir Garden
. Athyrium filix-femina Lady fern Dryopteridaceae Doug Fir and McHenry’s Gardens
. Blechnum spicant Deer Fern Blechnaceae Upper Glade and Fern Gardens
. Calocedrus decurrens Incense Cedar Cupressaceae Native Areas, Many Garden Beds
. Calycanthus occidentalis Spice Bush Calycanthaceae McHenry’s Garden
. Campanula rotundifolia Harebell Campanulaceae Rhody and Rock Gardens
. Cornus canadensis Bunchberry Cornaceae Roadside Native Garden
. Cornus nuttallii Mountain Dogwood Cornaceae Native Throughout the Gardens
. Corylus cornuta californica Western Hazelnut Betulaceae Native Area by North Garden
. Epilobium canum California Fuschia Onagraceae Babe Ruth Garden
. Frangula purshiana Cascara Buckthorne Rhamnaceae North Garden
. Heuchera micrantha Alum Root Saxifragaceae McHenry’s Garden
. Iris dougasiana Douglas Iris Iridaceae McHenry’s Garden
. Jamesia americana Fivepetal Cliffbush Hydrangeaceae Upper Glade Garden
. Lilium washingtonianum ssp. washingtonianum Shasta Lily Liliaceae Shasta Lily Native Garden
. Lupinus albifrons Silver Bush Lupine Fabaceae Lower Glade Garden
. Mahonia aquifolium v. aquifolium Oregon Grape Berberidaceae Roadside Native
. Neviusia cliftonii Shasta Snowreath Rosaceae Lower Glade and Rhody Gardens
. Oxalis oregano Redwood Sorrel Oxalidaceae McHenry’s Garden
. Paxistima myrsinities Oregon Boxwood Celastraceae Stage Garden and Native Areas
. Pedicularis densiflora Indian Warrior Orobanchaceae Shasta Lily Native Garden
. Penstemon azureus Azure Penstemon Plantaginaceae Penstemon Demonstration Garden
. Penstemon centranthifolius Scarlet Bugler Plantaginaceae Penstemon Demonstration Garden
. Penstemon davidsonii Davidson’s Penstemon Plantaginaceae Penstemon Demonstration Garden
. Penstemon grinnellii Grinnell’s Beardtongue Plantaginaceae Penstemon Demonstration Garden
. Penstemon heterodoxus Sierra Penstemon Plantaginaceae Penstemon Demonstration Garden
. Penstemon newberryi Mountain Pride Plantaginaceae Penstemon Demonstration Garden
. Penstemon procerus Littleflower Penstemon Plantaginaceae Penstemon Demonstration Garden
. Penstemon procerus v. brachyanthus Pincushion Beardtongue Plantaginaceae Penstemon Demonstration Garden
. Penstemon speciosus Royal Beardtongue Plantaginaceae Penstemon Demonstration Garden
. Penstemon spectabilis Showy Penstemon Plantaginaceae Penstemon Demonstration Garden
. Philadelphus lewisii Wild Mock Orange Philadelphaceae Strawberry Tree Garden
. Physocarpus capitatus Western Ninebark Rosaceae Azalea Garden
. Polystichum munitum Western Sword Fern Dryopteridaceae Fern, J.Maple/Spirea Fern Gardens, Native Areas
. Pseudotsuga menziesii v. menziesii Douglas Fir Pinaceae Rhody Garden
. Quercus chrysolepis Canyon Live Oak Fagaceae Lower Glade Garden
. Quercus kelloggii California Black Oak Fagaceae Great Meadow and throughout the Gardens
. Rhamnus purshiana Cascara Rhamnaceae North Garden
. Rhamnus rubra Sierra Coffeeberry Rhamnaceae North Garden
. Rhododendron occidentale Western Azalea Ericaceae Babe Ruth Garden
. Ribes sanguineum Red Flowering Current Grossulariaceae ?
. Rosa californica California Rose Rosaceae Upper Glade Garden
. Rosa gymnocarpa Woods Rose Rosaceae McHenry’s Garden
. Rubus parviflorus Thimbleberry Rosaceae McHenry’s Garden
. Silene californica California Indian Pink Caryophyllaceae McHenry’s Garden
. Smilacina stellata Star-flowered False Solomon’s Seal Liliaceae Shasta Lily Native Garden
. Smilax californica California Greenbrier Smilaceae Native throughout the Gardens
. Smilax jamessii English Peak Greenbrier Smilaceae Native throughout the Gardens
. Sorbus scopulina Western Mountain Ash Rosaceae Roadside Native Area
. Spiraea douglasii Western Spiraea Rosaceae Native throughout the Gardens
. Symphoricarpos albus Common Snowberry Caprifoliaceae Azalea Garden
. Taxus brevifolia Pacific Yew Taxaceae Doug Fir Garden
. Trientalis latifolia Western Star Flower Myrsinacae Rhody and Azalea Gardens
. Viola purpurea Mountain Violet Violaceae Rhoday and Azalea Gardens
. Woodwardia fimbriata Giant Chain Fern Blechnaceae Welcome Garden